Band Music For Sale
Vintage to Modern, All Original Publications

Hundreds of pieces of band music ranging from 1886 to 1990 are now available for purchase, in original printed form, at nominal cost! (See list below text block.)
This music is from the music library of the University of Colorado at Boulder marching band - a huge collection of music of over 400 titles. The purchase was something of a "pig-in-a-poke," in that I had little idea what it contained, or in what condition. My hope was that there would be a lot of great music for the Phoenix Pioneer Band, currently lacking a music library, to play. And there is! However, much of the music is more modern than we play, and many pieces have literally hundreds of sheets of music - in some cases over a thousand - far more than a little band of under 20 pieces needs.
The collection spans a huge period from 1886 through 1990, occurring more or less in a bell curve centered at 1930. Some of the music is out of copyright, and may be available free from BandMusic PDF. Many others are available from lending libraries such as Chatfield or Arkansas Valley. However, some of this music may be only available here, or some may want to purchase a set for their own libraries for, in some cases, less than a lending fee (why rent when you can own?).
We are selling music at a flat $1 per sheet, including P&H. One set of parts would typically be around $20-$25. For out-of-copyright pre-1928 pieces, We'll send you a scan if that is more convenient. All sales of one or more compete sets include a brand new filing envelope (a 30 cent value!).
Full Disclosure: The music is being sold by and individual, not by the band, until the initial investment is recouped. Then the whole collection will be donated to the band.
Simply Email to phxpioneerband@gmail.com with the piece you are interested in.